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Helping companies to kickstart, grow or augment in s/w engineering skills their product development

We continuously pursue learning, developing, and exploiting the latest software engineering practices, trends, and ways of working.

We always put people before tech, being the people-centric purposeful organization that facilitates employees' growth mindset to deliver customer excellence!

We are passionate about working with people committed to doing real things, leveraging all sparkling ideas while respecting individuals' values and making a difference!

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Customer Success is

Delivering the highest quality of services, facilitating operational excellence and innovation while helping our customers to manage complex projects
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Accepted value proposition

We aim to generate the highest value for our beloved customers,
offering them  a hand to enable their digital transformation,
reconciling technological pace with a successful adoption

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We only engage in long-term projects! It’s our culture, we care about success, and it’s our profitability plan. We can grow with your needs over time and alleviate the onboarding / re-skilling / up-skilling load from you. It’s a team for you!

We engage in teams of 3-8 people, led by a Senior Engineer, accountable for the deliverables' quality, understanding your business and technology, forming the team / selecting the best members.  We add one or more intermediate seniority Engineers who provide delivery capacity, resiliency, and excellence. We also have the alternative of adding one or more junior engineers, who stand for redundancy and extra delivery capacity.

You can utilize your offered engineering team, as a whole-standalone team, as a whole inside a team of yours, or as parts-inside many teams of yours. But always as the best fit your internal structure! 

We cater and strive for accountability and professionalism, irrespective of your hierarchies and roles and towards you and your team. We want to blend in and help you keep our leadership structure internally. What structure? 

Your team is a project Squad that may be part of a customer Tribe, and its members belong to technical Chapters.

Terms explained :

  • Squad gives a sense of belonging to and focus, working together day to day
  • Tribe is the Customer Success vehicle, understanding and finding ways to best serve the customer and its product
  • Chapters let every member tap into the collective knowledge of skills and stack of a cross-project grouping of top engineering talent to seek answers, best practices, and better solutions.

Why Accepted ?

We provide access to a bigger talent pool from which you gain specialised skills that will onboard and later infuse expertise in your team resulting in increased capacity.

Strategic advantage

We help you providing flexible labor to gain fast competitive advantage, time to market, or fulfil special projects.

Quicker delivery

Well formed teams culturally aligned scaling out (increasing your team) 0r scaling up (increasing the size of your team) smoothing out peaks and valleys of demand.

Service strengths

Remote, scalable, dedicated, focused on innovation, while  using high-end s/w engineering methodologies and proven best practices.


What are your opening hours? [ACCEPTED - PENDING]

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It's been almost seven years since I joined Accepted as a Software Engineer, and I have to admit it's an exciting and fun ride. What drives my success is Accepted's culture of trust and growth. I was urged to work on challenging client projects in different domains, where I gained valuable experience. On top of that, I am grateful for working in such a friendly environment where people are valued!



Senior software engineer

Accepted is like the place you always wanted to go. With colleagues who share the same values, the same principles, and the same concerns as you. Passionate developers are always looking to use cutting-edge technologies in our projects. People who are always willing to be on your side and help you achieve your goals within large-scale projects that use the latest technologies, regardless of the domain or the stack.



Senior software engineer

Let's extend your Development team